Jake A. Leahy
Jake A. Leahy is the host and producer of the Supreme Court Decision Syllabus Podcast. He is currently a Judicial Law Clerk and an LL.M. in Taxation Candidate at the Georgetown University Law Center. He obtained his B.A. from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign and his J.D. from the University of Illinois Chicago School of Law. He has written dozens of articles, published by organizations like the Chicago Bar Association and Illinois State Bar Association. He was honored with the Illinois State Bar Association, Law Student Division, Public Service Award in 2022.
* Jake is not an attorney. This podcast is for informational purposes only. Nothing constitutes legal advice, and is purely informational. Nothing here is intended to be attributed to the Circuit Court, Law School, or any other affiliation. This podcast is a public service project to support “information sourcing” - that is, the democratization of legal information.